We offer a wide range of options & products for your particular vehicle. From a basic remote start to a mobile phone-controlled complete system.
Why do I need one?
Installing a remote starter in your vehicle has many benefits you can enjoy year-round. From blisteringly hot summers to iced windshields in the winter, remote starters keep you comfortable with just a click of a button. Leave the AC on to prevent scorching seats and driving wheels or the heat so you're not shivering cold when you get to your vehicle. Temperature regulation is just one benefit. You can actually save gas mileage by warming up your vehicle before driving. Heating the engine oil prior to driving lets the engine operate more smoothly and reduces unnecessary strain. Remote starter packages are usually bundled with keyless entry and security systems. These systems use 2-way key fob remotes that fit on your keychain. Unlock your vehicle remotely and safeguard against theft with these all-in-one packages.

Will it work with my Vehicle?
In the past, remote start packages were only available for automatic transmission vehicles. New advancements in technology allow installation in manual transmission, diesel fuel, push-button start, older vehicles, and anti-theft chipped key vehicles. Installation in manual transmission vehicles utilizes a neutral safety switch that acts as a failsafe to prevent the automobile from starting unless it is in neutral and the emergency brake is engaged. When leaving the vehicle make sure to engage the safety brake, and leave the shifter in the neutral position. Roll up any windows and remove the key. The engine may run for a few moments but will shut down automatically. If you select a package with security features, some solutions automatically lock the doors and engage your alarm. We also carry systems with 2-way remotes that send the key fob a signal letting you know when the vehicle is secure. For vehicles with chipped key anti-theft systems, bypass modules may be used so the vehicle recognizes the correct key code without requiring the physical key. If your vehicle has an existing factory anti-theft system we can even integrate aftermarket solutions to bring additional functionality.

What to look for when shopping?
Usually, the best decisions are informed ones. With the huge amount of options available to you, we want to make sure you get all the features and functionality you need. Range is a factor usually overlooked, but in truth, it is one of the most important aspects when purchasing any remote start, keyless entry, or security system package. And were you aware that most systems are warranted for as long as you own the vehicle? Key fob remotes are commonly only under warranty for 1-2 years depending on the brand. If not installed professionally, remote start and security systems can actually void your vehicle warranty. Professional installation is a very detailed procedure and having a system installed by someone other than a professional can end up costing you more in the long run. Improper installation can lead to thousands of dollars in damage to the vehicle and if the vehicle is damaged in any way it can void the entire vehicle warranty. Our trained installation experts can ensure your system is installed correctly and professionally, the first time.
How much range do I need?
Range is probably the most important factor when considering any remote start or security system. While you probably park close to your home, you may travel to areas where you need additional range such as work parking lots, malls, movie theaters, airports, sports games, nights on the town, and restaurants. Selecting an insufficient range for your system can nullify the benefits entirely if you happen to be too far away.
Choosing a higher range system is generally not much more expensive. Make sure that you choose a range that will accommodate all of your needs. Range commonly varies from as low as 800 feet up to one mile. Another aspect you may not think about is interference. Our world is filled with electronics, electricity, radio frequencies, buildings, motors, fluorescent lights, and other sources of interference that can have a significant impact on your remote range. Interference is not taken into consideration when you see range advertised for these systems. The range quoted on the packaging is assuming a near impossible perfect scenario of flat land with no obstacles or interference. Our systems can extend the range of your system anywhere you can get cellular service. Utilizing your smartphone as a 2-way remote, you can enjoy all of the same benefits without worrying if you are out of range. Operate your alarm or start your vehicle from afar right from your smartphone. This solution can also be programmed for many other features like notifying you when a vehicle is traveling outside a designated area, traveling over the speed limit, or operating outside a set curfew.